syntax control

英 [ˈsɪntæks kənˈtrəʊl] 美 [ˈsɪntæks kənˈtroʊl]

网络  语法控制



  1. Sed uses regular expression syntax to search for and replace text selectively in the pattern space as well as to control which lines of text should be operated on by sets of editing commands.
  2. In this article, we have reviewed the different authority levels and privileges defined in DB2 UDB and how they can be assigned to users using command line syntax and the Control Center.
  3. Like the instance level authorities, privileges can be granted and revoked using command syntax or the Control Center.
  4. So let's look at a little example, and this is going to, excuse me, both allow us introduce the syntax as well as what we want to have as the flow of control inside of here.
  5. The server side requires a complete implementation of the query syntax, selection as well as access control and transaction support required to expose the data safely.
  6. During the implementation of MPEG-2 encoding equipment, a lot of logic, especially the high speed design, are need to implement the associated syntax and control function, which is the design emphases and difficulty.
  7. MWP protocol is an application layer protocol designed by the paper. In this paper the semantic, syntax and temporal order of the MWP protocol are stipulated, and the slide window protocol and congestion control algorithm are planed to ensure the reliability of data transmission.
  8. Controller operations, such as lexical analysis, syntax check, extracting of machine control words, and interpolating of tools path, are realized by the translating and edit technology.
  9. The purpose of adapting the LCSH in a faceted schema with a simplified syntax is to retain the very rich vocabulary of LCSH while making it easier to understand, control, apply, and use.
  10. Secondly, the abstract syntax tree text is standardized and the redundant information unrelated to the control flow analysis and data flow analysis is eliminated.
  11. The teacher in the experiment group attached much emphasis on the similarities between mother tongue and the foreign language, from the perspective of pronunciation, lexis, syntax etc. While regular teaching procedures carried out in the control group.